Americat Company

Americat Company

  • ALL Americat Company products are made in the USA from U.S.-sourced and eco-friendly materials
  • $50.00 Opening Order Minimum Requirement, $50 Reorder Requirement
  • Orders are processed within 3 business days and ship FOB from PA
  • Actual Freight charges will be added for U.S. and international orders
  • Click Here to view our MAP & Advertising policy
  • Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, and PayPal accepted
  • Americat Company products may not be sold on third party websites such as Amazon and Ebay

Americat Company creates made in the USA products cats enjoy every day.

We want the best for cats, so we manufacture in the U.S. for safety, quality, and peace of mind. We carefully select materials that are non-toxic, safe for cats and their human family, and U.S. sourced.

We are a cat-loving, woman-owned, U.S. business.

When cat lovers pick up our products, they immediately comment on the difference in quality they can feel. The Americat Company name and logo also evoke smiles. Through, we are excited to reach more independent pet retailers and ultimately more cat owners who are looking for American-made cat products they can trust.