High Cotton, Inc.

High Cotton, Inc.

  • Normally ships within 48 hours
  • Opening Order Minimum is $150
  • Reorder minimum is $125
  • FOB - UPS from NC
  • Accepts VISA, MC and AMEX
  • We can only ship to US addresses

High Cotton makes a witty line of pet themed doormats, drink coasters, magnets, signs and t-shirts. Funny, thoughtful and occasionally a bit snarky, High Cotton's designs set a standard for unique, artistic expression that serves a purpose, reflects an attitude and embodies a lifestyle. No matter what the occasion, no matter what the season, High Cotton's creations will bring a smile to your face. Unconditionally guaranteed to be free of manufacturer's defects or your money back. High Cotton is proud that their quality, humor and Made in America products have continued to be great sellers for over 25 years!