Bowsers Pet Products

Bowsers Pet Products

  • Usually Ships within 7 days.
  • No Minimum Order.
  • Ships to Contiguous US and Canada Only.
  • Shipping for orders over $250 is a Flat Rate of 10% cost. For orders less than $250.00, there is a $25.00 minimum shipping charge. Drop ship orders must be placed directly through Bowsers.
  • Accepts VISA & MC - to pay with AMEX, select PayPal and you will be sent a request. 
  • Add ons may be done within 24 hours of placing an order but must be phoned in.

Since 1998, Bowsers has set the trend in distinctive, quality pet beds. Our unique blend of furniture-quality fill, luxurious upholstery fabrics and practical designs has set a new standard in the pet industry. Bowsers has changed the way many think of pet beds . . . gone are the days when your unattractive dog bed is hidden away when guests arrive. Our pet beds are attractive furnishings which blend with the home decor. 


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