Pet 'n Shape

Pet 'n Shape

  • Ships within 48 hours.
  • Ships FOB from CA via UPS.
  • FREE freight on orders over $200 within the contiguous US. 50% off freight on orders over $200 shipped outside contiguous US.
  • Accepts VISA, MC, AmEx, and Discover
  • Sorry, we cannot ship outside of the United States.

Welcome to the Pet ‘n Shape family! Our story began in 2005 when we recognized that pet owners
didn’t need to break the bank to provide their furry family member a natural, premium treat. Today,
from crunchy to chewy, bite-sized to mega bone, we’re proud to offer a wide variety of perfectly natural
treats and chews to fit your pet’s unique needs. Join our community of satisfied pet parents and share
the shape of your pet’s happiness!