Fetch... for Pets!

Fetch... for Pets!

  • Orders ship within 18-24 business days.
  • Minimum order is $100.00
  • Free Shipping on orders over $500.00
  • Ships FOB from NJ, USA.
  • International orders not accepted
  • Accepts VISA, MC, DISC, & AMEX

Who is Fetch… for Pets!?

Fetch has been the leading pet product manufacturer since 2008. We develop cross category pet product lines based on retail and market demand as well as industry needs. Fetch also provides private label development and manufacturing. Working closely with retailers, brand teams and factories, we build cutting edge programs that raise the bar on quality, value and innovation.

What sets us apart from the pack?

Fetch…for Pets! thrives on tackling every opportunity that comes our way with undeniable enthusiasm and unparalleled creativity.

We join forces with reputable private labels, brands, and licenses to bring pet supplies to dogs, cats, aquatic creatures, and small animals & reptiles.