Trish Hampton

Trish Hampton

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  • FOB - Rhode Island
  • Orders ship within 3-4 business days
  • Drop shipping available for an additional $3 fee
  • No opening order or re-order requirements

People ask how we started and the story goes like this. In 2002, Trish got her first dog, a beautiful American Bulldog named Maggie. After searching store to store she realized she wasn't going to find anything special enough for her 100 lb lap dog. So, to the design studio she went. After scouring the garment district in NYC for ribbon, webbing, and hardware she sat at the sewing machine and put together a few styles of collars and started giving them away to friends and family. A local pet store was delivering food to one of those friends, saw the collar, asked the friend to have Trish come to his store. This store in Ridgefield, Connecticut was our first customer - he loved what he saw and ordered our line (Trish didn't know what a line was!), but two weeks later, sewing 20 hours a day she delivered her first order. The rest you'd say is history.
Today the inspiration in our studio has changed from having a calm, loving, sweet girl named Maggie, to having 2 toddler boys, Spencer and Cooper and a new puppy named Finley - needless to say it's quite a crazy place. But, our goal has not changed and that is to always create beautiful handmade gifts that you will enjoy giving your loved ones — whether they be your child, your friend, or your best four–legged friend. All of our products are handmade here in the United States with quality, durability and style in mind.