Fiddler's Elbow®

Fiddler's Elbow®

  • Normally ships within a day!
  • Minimum opening stocking order is $150
  • Will drop-ship for $4 fee + shipping
  • FOB - UPS ground from NY
  • Accepts VISA, MC, DISC, AMEX 

Nestled in the foothills of the Adirondack Mountains between dairy farms and back country roads is Fiddler's Elbow. More than a quarter of a century ago, John Gunther started the silk-screening company with a handful of workers in an old barn that once housed 10,000 chickens. We are still a family operated design and manufacturing company dedicated to producing fine hand printed pet related gifts and kitchen decor. Utilizing the works of some of America's finest artists, Fiddler's Elbow has created a delightful line of household items that will please any pet lover. We hope that you enjoy our products as much as we have enjoyed designing and hand crafting them.


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