Buddy Belt

Buddy Belt

  • New accounts / first time Buddy Belt orders will receive a 10% discount! Applied after checkout.
  • Wholesale pricing is only available to verifiable businesses in the pet industry with retail sales.
    Please make sure your resale information is up to date on your WholesalePet My Account page.
  • All images and copy displayed on Wholesalepets.com or Buddy-Belts.com of our products are copyright of Class Art Productions Inc. You must obtain written permission in advance to use our content for any websites or promotional purposes.
  • No minimum order, we suggest opening orders contain sizes 2-6 and at least two colors
  • We do NOT dropship
  • We accept Visa, MC, and PayPal
  • Freight will be added to your order based on a scaled rate
  • Orders ship from Toronto, Canada
  • We happily accept returns of defective merchandise within 90 days of the consumer's purchase.
  • Retailers are not permitted to sell below the listed MSRP - Minimum Selling Retail Price
  • Vendors of Buddy Belts are NOT permitted to sell the product on Amazon, eBay, or any other auction website

Class Art Productions Inc is a growing and innovative leather manufacturing company with its main focus being the production of Buddy Belt, an easy to use, step-in dog harness with a unique design that reduces strain on your dog's spine and neck to prevent damage to the throat. Founded in 2001 by Roxanne Pettipas, Class Art Productions Inc began as a small venture with its focus on designing and making a dog harness unlike any available in the market at the time. 

Buddy Belt is the harness that hugs your dog. Every member of your family deserves to be happy and healthy. Buddy Belt is the smart solution. The functional design lets your dog step in easily and fastens with one buckle. The stylish harness has a unique, low-cut patented design ensuring pressure is minimized on your dog’s neck and spine. BB2 is made from synthetic leather. Without compromising quality, it’s the economical choice that’s priced to work with any budget.