Fruitables Pet Food

Fruitables Pet Food

  • $200 minimum order requirement
  • Most orders ship within 72 hours
  • All orders are FOB (we Charge actual freight) under $2000
  • Free shipping on orders over $2000.
  • Accepts VISA, MC, DISC, & AMEX - charges will be billed as Manna Pro Products LLC.
  • No international orders.
  • Fruitables Pet Food/Manna Pro Products has unilaterally adopted this Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) Policy for select products. Please review and comply with our MAP policy.

Fruitables Pet Food was created by people with a passion for innovation and advanced nutrition with a primary focus on natural and harvest fresh ingredients. We believe deeply in proven efficacy, a commitment to research and animal health, and actively support major university studies, which have included significant breakthroughs in companion animal obesity and satiety research.

One of our founders, John E. Bauer, Ph.D., D.V.M., Dipl. ACVN is Professor of Small Animal Clinical Sciences and holder of the Mark L. Morris Professorship of Clinical Nutrition in the College of Veterinary Medicine at Texas A&M University. He is a past Chair and current member of the Intercollegiate Graduate Faculty of Nutrition at Texas A&M. Bauer's areas of specialization are lipid biochemistry, disorders of lipid metabolism, and comparative biomedicine and nutrition. His studies have included lipoprotein and fatty acid metabolism of domestic and exotic animals as well as animal models of hypercholesterolemia and atherogenesis of humans. He has written over 230 peer-reviewed and other publications, is the recipient of numerous grants, awards and honors and is listed in American Men and Women of Science and Who's Who in Veterinary Science and Medicine.