

  • Minimum order of $100
  • Orders ship within 1-2 business days from CA
  • Actual freight charge is added to orders
  • We accept Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, & Discover
  • DoyenWorld™ products cannot be sold on third-party websites (such as Amazon and eBay).
  • All resellers must abide by MAP pricing

Our mission at DôyenWorld™ is to be a leader in creating inspirational products beyond the traditional bounds of existing pet brands.  We design and bring one-of-a-kind products to the market while simultaneously creating and offering a product platform for emerging artists from around the glove to showcase their unique artwork.

DôyenWorld™ flagship products are DôyenCat & DôyenDog: a patent pending interactive, designer pet toy created for your pet’s enjoyment. We offers a variety of colors and designs that even you will enjoy to have in your home.