Dogchies CBD

Dogchies CBD

  • 20% Off Initial Stocking Orders, applied after checkout, cannot be coimbined with any other offers.
  • Minimum Order Requirement is $150
  • Orders normally ship 1-3 business day from CA
  • Orders ship USPS and actual freight charges are added
  • Accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express

Dogchies specializes in promoting long-term well-being and health for dogs with organic CBD oil. Pets experience all sorts of problems relating to joints and mobility, digestive/nausea problems, pain, anxiety, inflammation, etc. Although there are prescribed medications for these problems, some of the medicine may contain unnatural ingredients.

Dogchies is a holistic alternative to prescribed medication. Oils extracted from the hemp plant benefit all different types of animals when consumed in proper dosage.